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Massage Therapy

Soft tissue therapy involves a variety of hands-on techniques to massage, and manipulate the muscles, fascia, ligaments and tendons, encouraging relaxation, reducing pain, improving range of movement and relieving the body from tension.


BioBodTherapy is massage therapy tailored to your needs, whether you are looking to treat a specific injury / problem or keen to have a general massage for everyday aches and pains, we can provide!


On the first consultation, we can do a full postural analysis and joint mobilisation, using different range of movement tests. This will enable us to establish which specific areas of your body has tension/ tightness and restricted movement, which we can then focus on to improve, helping your posture and reducing discomfort that you may be feeling.


Benefits of this treatment:-


  • Improves blood circulation

  • Prevents injury

  • Encourages the healing process after an injury

  • Reduces aching and painful muscles

  • Speeds up the recovery process after training or an event

  • Improves performance

  • Maintains healthy soft tissues

  • Improves posture

  • Improves range of movement in joints

  • Breaks down scar tissue which may have been caused from an injury and causing pain

  • Relieves muscles from tension and/or stress

  • Reduces anxiety

  • Improves sleep patterns


Techniques used:

  • General/ deep tissue massage

  • Muscle energy techniques- MET is a manual therapy that involves the therapist using a resisted force against a specific muscle, the patient pushes against the force, causing the muscle to contract. This technique is a form of stretching which helps to lengthen contracted and shortened muscles and improves range of movement.

  • Positional release- This technique is used when there is a specific area within the soft tissues that is in a state of spasm. It involves finding the area, and applying a pressure. The body is then moved to shorten the muscle, and position the body in a place of comfort. By shortening the muscle, a signal is sent to the brain, which interrupts the pain cycle and in turn reduces the muscle's contraction.

  • Soft tissue release- This is an advanced massage technique, aimed to stretch muscles, tendons and fascia. The therapist applies a pressure to certain areas, to achieve a specific stretch. 

  • Myofascial massage- Myofascia is the connective tissue which covers and intertwines between all soft tissues, organs and other structures within the body. When fascia becomes restricted, it can become out of line, reducing your range of movement, creating poor posture and can cause pain. Myofascial massage is used to breakdown adhesions and reduce tension in the fascia, which in turn restores function, balance and posture.

  • Trigger point therapy- In the body there are certain areas of tension within a muscle, which leads to pain being caused in other parts of the body, this is called a trigger point. This technique involves applying a pressure and releasing to reduce the amount of tension and relieve the certain areas from pain. 

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